Monday, September 30, 2019

Facebook Case Analysis

Case Study: Facebook| Introduction Recently, the social networking sites are getting much more popular on the internet. They are playing a vital role in the way that individuals can easily create their own online profiles, construct their identities and help communicate with each other. Literally, there are many social networking sites worldwide; however, Facebook is the most well-known one since the number of its visitors is significantly increasing.Historically, Facebook was founded almost nine years ago by three undergraduate students of Harvard, Mark Zuckerberg and his two colleges, where it was firstly used by the members who have only ‘. edu’ email addresses. A month later since Facebook had been launched; it was spread very fast where it was used by the majority of Harvard students, then the number of Facebook users increased rapidly after Zuckerberg had left Harvard and move to California in order to make the site expanded more and more (Valenzuela, Park, Kee, 20 08). The majority of the individuals who are surfing the internet, spend lots of time on Facebook.They are able to visit their own profiles as well as they can even browse profiles of other people and share interests like photos, games and information (Mikolaj et al. , 2011), (Boyd & Ellison, 2007). In this paper, there are a number of questions concerning the Facebook and will be answered. Question 1: Why do people use Facebook, and what do they do when they are on the site? What are the implications of this behaviour for individuals, organizations and for Facebook? Facebook is one of the social networking sites, which has become the most popular site globally (Lipsman, 2011).The number of individuals who registered in Facebook site reached a billion about four months ago (Mikolaj et al. , 2011). Generally, individuals are doing a variety of activities using Facebook platform on the internet. People have a great opportunity to create their own public profiles, in which their old an d recent information can be browsed, where Facebook users are able to write their personal information on their own profiles like names, living places, interests, study programs, contact details, photos and pictures as well as the other favoured sites (Hargittai, 2010). In addition, Facebook nables the individuals to communicate and connect with distant friends, colleagues and strangers, showing and sharing their lists of connections as well as extend and strengthen their relationships and friendships, meet each other and sharing their interests, and they can even share the media content (Griffiths & Kuss, 2011). People can also shop online using Facebook browsing shopping pages, seeking for groups or members, and browse people’s walls (Mikolaj et al. , 2011). Moreover, Facebook users are able to play free social games such as Zynga, which in turn would help them connect with the other communities.According to Piskoriski (2011), there was a survey done by Information Solution Group demonstrated that more than 30 percept of Zynga game players pointed out that the games enabled them to connect with family and present friends whereas another third admitted that playing games on Facebook made them connect with old friends and one third used them in order to make new friends. Additionally, concerning the effect of Facebook on organisations, organisations are using Facebook platform to make their names much more well-known which in turn leads to increase their sales and profits (Mikolaj et al. 2011). Actually, there are two main factors that have made Facebook the most popular social site internationally: Firstly, the need to belong, secondly, the need to view limitation. All those factors could be influenced by several variables such as demographic and personal attributes, and social and cultural background (Ashwini & Stefan, 2012). In contrast, using Facebook could be leading to the negative consequences. In other words, the increasing hours people spend on line, may be indicative of potential addiction particularly for students (Griffiths & Kuss, 2011).Grabmeier (2010) claimed that there is a strong link between using Facebook and low grades achievement at universities. This is correlates with the recent study showed that â€Å"Facebook users had lower grade academic performance and spent less time studying than students who did not use this social networking sites† (Griffiths & Kuss 2011, 10). Furthermore, Griffiths and Kuss (2011) claimed that Anecdotal case study evidence reported that some Facebook addicts are more likely to have potential mental health problems.Moreover Accessibility of the others’ privacies using Facebook could also be considered as one of the negative impacts of using Facebook. Question 2: How can organizations leverage Facebook for commercial purposes? How effective are company pages on Facebook? Facebook platform is playing a crucial role in commercial purposes, particularly for companies. They are able to create free profile page in order to post information about their products and receive comments about them, as a result, Facebook might invest more in order to enhance advertising products (Mikolaj et al. , 2011).Additionally, further investment in this social site assist the firms improve their own applications, letting the Facebook users engaged in some social events that they might be interested in and consequently the relationship between the firms and their fans would be strengthened (Mikolaj et al. , 2011), (Piskoriski, 2011). Facebook also made new business pages which permitted businesses, brands, products, artists, and public figures to build free custom Facebook pages and attract Facebook users to like them so that users would then see status updates, pictures and videos which posted by the organisation on their page (Mikolaj et al. 2011). This can create an effective negotiation between the firms and their fans. Companies can also advertise their pages on Face book to be liked by users. New advertising products were improved using Facebook which in turn leveraged its users in terms of social relationships (Mikolaj et al. , 2011), (Piskoriski, 2011). To illustrate, friends of a certain company would see ads about that company regularly (Mikolaj et al. , 2011). As a result, Facebook has achieved massive financial benefits from those developers and applications.Question 3: Regarding the Facebook platform, what role does it play for both individuals and organizations? Facebook has some approaches that make it different from other social sites. For example, Facebook users are able to browse each other’s profiles as long as the profiles’ owners allowed that (Boyd & Ellison, 2007). Moreover, Facebook permitted users to add applications in order to enhance their profile and they were set up by Facebook developers (Mikolaj et al. , 2011).One of these applications is games, where more than 40 % of Facebook users had been attracted to play games by 2011. A year after Facebook extended its API to comprise other actions, such as listening to music or reading an article and might be also shared with other users (Mikolaj et al. , 2011). Facebook platform also play a significant role in increasing the profitability of the firms. The immense increase in the number of the Facebook users has made it much more attractive to the traditional companies (Piskoriski, 2011).Firms started to create application platforms and look for new customers and engaging the existing ones on Facebook site by advertising and offering new special prices and posted them on their own profile page (Piskoriski, 2011). As a result, the number of visitors to that profile page of that firms would be increasing which led to a substantial increase in the number of users who are interested in the their applications and brands. Individuals can also see other brands using advertisements for those brands on Facebook. Then the firms’ incomes would b e increasing dramatically. Question 4:Finally, review the final paragraph on page 14. How would you respond to these questions? What should Facebook concentrate on? Recently, there has been a huge collaboration between firms and Facebook platform in terms of commercial aspects. In fact, offering free profile pages on Facebook has made it much more attractive and valuable to many companies. Firms have been able to utilize this feature by doing businesses with Facebook through which they capable to advertise their brands and products on Facebook users’ profiles so that companies can increase their revenues (Mikolaj et al. , 2011).In addition, Facebook application developers have great opportunities to create additional applications, and update and enhance the old ones based on users’ interests due the massive increasing in the number of Facebook visitors who have different desires and needs (Egele et al. , 2012). Therefore, Facebook plays an essential role in products di spersal and increasing sales and then profits of the firms as a result of advertising and applications. Facebook should be focusing on deploying much more effort in order to support its businesses with organisations based on the interests of the users.Development its tools is another factor that can increase its attraction to the investors and then increase profits. There is also an important issue that Facebook should concern about which is privacy in terms of data hankering. Facebook should be aware of keeping its users privacies secure. Otherwise, it will lose its admiration in terms of limiting the objectives for both individuals and companies (Fowler & Geoffre, 2010). Conclusion There is no social networking site as popular as Facebook. It can be used either for communication between individuals worldwide or for commercial aspects.Facebook has several advantages in terms of strengthening the social relationships as well as providing new marketing strategies which in turn leads to the increasing the growth of economy. Nevertheless, Facebook has some negative impacts such as students’ achievement and browsing the others’ privacies. In general, Facebook is experiencing massive challenges to keep and advance its reputation. References Ashwini, Nadkarni, and Hofmann, Stefan G. â€Å"Why do People use Facebook? † Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 52, issue 3 (2012): 243-249.Egele, M. , Moser, A. , Kruegel, C. and Kirda, E. â€Å"PoX: Protecting Users from Malicious Facebook Applications. † Computer Communications 35, no. 12 (2012): 1507-1515. www. scopus. com. Fowler, Geoffrey A. â€Å"Corporate News: Facebook Fights Privacy Concerns. † Wall Street Journal, Aug 21, 2010. http://search. proquest. com/docview/746178017? accountid=10382 Grabmeier, J. â€Å"Study Finds Link Between Facebook Use, Lower Grades In College. † Research News (2010). http://researchnews. osu. edu/archive/facebookusers. htm Hargittai, E. , and Hsieh, Y.P. (2010). â€Å"Predictors and Consequences of Social Network Site Usage. † Information, Communication and Society, 13, 515–536. Lipsman, A. â€Å"The Network Effect: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Tumblr Reach New Heights in May. † (2011, June 15). http://blog. comscore. com/2011/06/facebook_linkedin_twitter_tumblr. html Mikolaj J. , Thomas R. , David C. and Brian F. † Facebook†. Harvard Business School Publishing. (2011). Patrick Van Eecke and Maarten Truyens, â€Å"Privacy and Social Networks. † Computer Law & amp; Security Review, vol. 6, issue 5, 535-546. http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0267364910001093) Valenzuela, Park, & Kee, F. K. (2008). â€Å"Lessons from Facebook: The Effects of Social Network Sites on College Students’ Social Capital. † http://online. journalism. utexas. edu/2008/papers/Valenzuela. pdf * Boyd, D. M. , & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, his tory and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13, 210–230. * Online Social Networking and Addiction—A Review of the Psychological Literature

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Relationship Between Civil Rights Movement & Feminist Agenda

In this Essay I will examine relationship between Civil Rights Movement and how the feminist agenda of second wave feminism. Furthermore, I will explain how women shaped the Civil Rights Movement, and also how they redefined their own feminism because of the ways in which they interacted with the movement. In 1952, the separate but equal laws were once again challenged in the case of Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. The case was based on the segregation of educational facilities. The NAACP changed their focus from integrating higher educational facilities to integrated grade schools. After the change, the NAACP stepped in on this case and argued that segregated educational facilities were unequal, degrading to black students, and violated the fourteenth amendment's guarantee for equal protection. On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were inherently unequal and did violate the fourteenth amendment. The decision of Plessy vs. Ferguson had finally been overturned and public schools were to be integrated. Brown vs. the Board of Education was a victory for the blacks, however southern whites reacted to the court's decision with extreme racism. There were two major reasons for the civil rights movement one was Impact of WWII and Brown vs. Board of Education. Females played great role in Civil rights movement. One sit-in involved Anne Moody the author of Coming of Age in Mississippi. During this sit-in, whites at the lunch counter attacked Anne Moody and other activist, but they didn't give up until they were escorted out by the police. This is what happened on the evening of December l, 1955: Parks took the bus because she was feeling particularly tired after a long day at work. She was sitting in the middle section, glad to be off her feet at last, when a white man boarded the bus and demanded that her row be cleared because the white section was full. The others in the row obediently moved to the back of the bus, but Parks just didn't feel like standing for the rest of the journey, and she quietly refused to move. At this, the white bus driver threatened to call the police unless Parks gave her up her seat, but she refused to give up her seat and bus driver called the police and they arrested her. So this respectable, middle-aged woman was taken to the police station, where she was fingerprinted and jailed. She was allowed to make one phone call. She called a NAACP lawyer, who arranged for her to be released on bail. Word of Parks's arrest spread quickly, and the Women's Political Council decided to protest her treatment by organizing a boycott of the buses. Women designed bus boycott. Jo Ann Robinson who was College Professor who talked to her friend who was attorney to help Mrs. Parks and also he helped to spread the news of bus boycott. The boycott was set for December 5, the day of Parks's trial, but Martin Luther King, Jr. nd other prominent members of Montgomery's black community realized that here was a chance to take a firm stand on segregation. As a result, the Montgomery Improvement Association was formed to organize a boycott that would continue until the bus segregation laws were changed. Leaflets were distributed telling people not to ride the buses, and other forms of transport were laid on. The boycott lasted 382 days, causing the Bus Company to lose a vast amount of money. Everyone played and tried their best to keep up with the boycott. They walked to work etc. One day this old lady who looked very tired and this white men saw her and offered her to ride in his car, she responded â€Å"my feets is tired, but my soul is rested† Meanwhile, Parks was fined for failing to obey a city ordinance, but on the advice of her lawyers she refused to pay the fine so that they could challenge the segregation law in court. The following year, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled the Montgomery segregation law illegal, and the boycott was at last called off. Yet Parks had started far more than a bus boycott. Other cities followed Montgomery's example and were protesting their segregation laws. Also they did other acts such as The March on Washington, Martin Luther King's speech. Mean reason they had many organiztion which were orgainized very well such as NAACP, SNCC, and also their success was because Non violent direct confrontation. They knew the consequences breaking the rules but they desire and wants were much more stronger. Second wave of feminism they want a right too This protest begin in 1950 and died in 1984. They want to have equal pay, higher education, and want to end the discrimination. Second Wave feminism had two branches, Liberal Feminists and Radical Feminists also Working class women played great role too. Liberal Feminist's objectives were for equality within the existing social structure and also equality with men. However, Radical Feminists objectives were to breakdown of the system of power that sustains mail advantage in every sphere of life, including economics, politics, the family, religion, law, education, science, and medicine, as well as in the interactions of everyday life. Also Radical women are not defined as white, middle class agenda rather social class and ethnicity/race define the issues facing women also. The relationship between the Civil Rights Movement and the feminist agenda of Second wave feminism those women played great role in both. They both of these want to have equal rights, at work, school, and also end the discrimination. Civil Rights Movement and Second Wave of Feminism struggled greatly but they had great success. In conclusion, I would say that Civil Rights Movement and Second Wave of Feminism struggled a lot but after all it was worth it. They had many similarities and women played great roles organizing meetings and interaction with other women that brought unity and that lead them into success.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

My First Day in Mrsm Taiping Essay

My entire life change in a blink of an eye after I was accepted into MRSM. I was very happy and nervous. I never thought that I was accepted into MRSM Tiping because I’m apllying for MRSM Balik Pulau. I know nothing about this school. I knew that MRSM Taiping is a smart school after I step my legs here. I thought all MRSM are the same, the best. After the registration process settled, I went to check out my room. It was preety cool~ at that moment I started to feel full of grief as my parents would left me alone ? My dad and mom unpacked all my things. see more:paragraph on my first day at school Then, I secretly went to toilet and crying alone in the toilet without my parents knowledge~ Hahaha. That was so shameful when I thought about it again. I never told my parents about this. I cried a lot when I gave my parents goodbye. It took about half an hour for me to let my parents go. It was the hardest time for me as I’m very close to my family. I was being pampered by my dad and mom but that doesn’t mean I cannot managed myself. My dad said I have to leave my family because I want to success in my life. I would remember that words if I felt like I want to go back. After my parents leave, I went back to dorm and try to make friends. Then I have a conversation with Zai and we started being friend. I went to Dewan Selera for dinner. All the foods were nice. Eventhough it were not as good as my mom’s cooking, it’s still better than my former school food. It was seriously bad! Haha I think I was so cruel to say that words~ At first, I had a terrible homesick but all my friend can peace me up especially Zai and Afza. Thanks to them I still being here ? I think that’s all I can share with you guys. I hope I can perfome better here and prove to my friends that MRSM Taiping is the best.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The FEC and Federal Campaign Finance Law Research Paper

The FEC and Federal Campaign Finance Law - Research Paper Example The FEC was created in 1971, but the need for this type of regulation was seen as early as 1905 by President Roosevelt. The idea behind this was to limit the influence that the wealthy would have over the outcome of a specific election, work on regulating the amount spent while campaigning for a federal office, and work to deter abuse of the system by requiring public disclosure of the funds that are spent, and where those funds are allocated. The question becomes since this system was implemented in the 1970s, how well has it worked? Is it an efficient system, and is it effective in accomplishing the goals that have been set for this particular government agency? The FEC has a system of checks and balances in place to where they not only review each report filed by federal candidates and committees, but also a system of enforcement and a system that allows third parties to file complaints if they believe a violation has occurred. The staff reviews each report that they receive, as f iled by a federal candidate or committee in order to make sure that they have complied fully with the disclosure requirements and limits that are imposed on political contributions. In addition, they may generate an enforcement action, referred to as an MUR, or Matter Under Review, during the course of reviewing these reports. If four of the six members that review each specific instance of possible violation of the law believe that a violation has occurred, the MUR will move to the next level of investigation. In the next level of investigation, the Commission uses a form of mediation between the parties who have submitted the report and those who believe the violation has occurred. The agreement reached as a result of these reviews may require a fine be paid, or other actions are taken. If an agreement cannot be reached, however, the Commission may file a suit against the appropriate persons in a U.S. District Court (FEC, 2013). A complaint may also be filed by any concerned third party, which would then go through the same steps as a typical MUR.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

White Collar criminals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

White Collar criminals - Essay Example The problem is that cognitive biases existing in the community prevent people from realizing that white collar criminals are potential threats to the society. Popular perceptions about what constitutes crime can be illustrated if one examines two instances of offenses, one that falls in the stereotypical notion and the other in the white collar crime category, as under: Scenario-1: A mugger waylays a person on a dark, desolated street and demands he parts away with his possessions. The man hands over his wallet and the thug empties it of its contents of 50 dollars and throws the wallet back at the man. He mutters some threats to him, stuffs the bills into his pocket, and sneaks into a murky alley. Terrified but grateful that he is unhurt, the man summons the police, files a report and goes his way, wondering how widespread crimes have become. Scenario 2: An employee of a heating and air conditioning firm attends a complaint at a home which has been damaged in a recent storm. The HVAC unit outside has been battered and the inspection reveals that it requires some minor repairs. However, the employee reports to the homeowner’s insurance company that the entire system needs replacement as it is completely damaged. Thus, his company gains a hefty profit, by fraudulent means. When one considers both these events, it becomes apparent that in the first episode, a thug waylays a person, robs him of 50 dollars. The victim recognizes this act as a crime, and the police register a case against the perpetrator. In the second instance, though the company has gained an undue benefit of a larger sum, the incident has neither been acknowledged as a crime nor has anybody taken cognizance of it. Thus, it transpires that white collar crimes do occur in the society, which is of much greater magnitude than normal crimes, but people hardly recognize this fact. As can be evidenced from the above


CYBER ATTACKS ON ENERGY AND FINANCIAL SECTOR - Thesis Proposal Example US Financial sector is largest in the world and billions of dollars are transacted through this system not only within US but also across the border. The relative penetration of the financial system into the very fabric of American society therefore gives financial sector a more critical place within the modern American society. With the advances in technology, most of the transactions in the financial sector take place online with the help of the internet and other information technology tools. Such high dependence on the information technology therefore makes the system highly vulnerable to the external threats including the cyber attacks. Similarly, the energy sector is critical for the survival of the country because most of the manufacturing and our daily activity is supported by this sector. A complete collapse of this system therefore will put the country as stand still and probably no economic activity can be conceived without the support of the energy sector. Another important dimension of the cyber spying on the energy sector is basically to extract important information regarding the potential energy deposits which US companies explore all over the world and a systematic attack on this information therefore can cost Billions to US economy if it goes into wrong hands. It is believed that Chinese hackers are trying to intrude into the systems of the energy companies with specific target of extracting the important data on the oil and gas exploration. (Yemma, 2010) These arguments therefore indicate that any type of cyber attacks on these two sectors can be significant from the point of view of the homeland security. Easy access to technology and significant improvement in the knowledge base of the cyber criminals and terrorists, it is really easy to conceive a cyber attack of any magnitude on both these sectors. It is therefore, really critical a pro-active approach to be adapted by the security agencies of US including homeland

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Goose Island Company (Brief discriotion of the organization) Essay

Goose Island Company (Brief discriotion of the organization) - Essay Example Its products are sold across the United States and in the United Kingdom. The company has been expanding with time owing to the rising market trends as it continues to venture into new markets. Goose Island company operates in the alcoholic beverage manufacturing industry and has managed to acquire a fair share of the market. This industry includes products like ale, beer, distilled spirits and wine. There are major players in this industry like the Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc, Boulevard Brewing Co. and Harpoon Breweries. They have loyal clients and have been in the industry for a long period of time. Competing against them is therefore not easy as they have a wider capital base that they utilize when it comes to product promotion and strategic planning (Fogarty 34). However, Goose Island company is trying its best to build its customer base in order to compete with such big market players. When the company was partly sold to the Widmer Brothers Brewery in 2006, there was public outcry that the taste of the beer was going to be interfered with. The loyal clients were very furious with the management, as they did not want any form of alteration in the taste of the beer. T he reason why they opted for external financiers from Belgium was that the local financiers wanted to gain full control of the company but the management was not for this. This is why they had to settle for Widmer Brothers Brewery for additional capital (Xin and Buccola 45). All the manufacturing is done in Chicago even after the part acquisition of the firm. The management and key decision-making personnel are all based in Illinois; Chicago just like it was before. Their philosophy is grounded on building their brands and increasing the sales volume. The company has over 120 employees based in Chicago that are highly motivated and focused in achieving the organizational objectives. Currently the organization is growing and is even expanding to new areas, conquering new

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting the book and movie Act of Valor Essay

Comparing and Contrasting the book and movie Act of Valor - Essay Example passionately. It is up to the Navy SEALs to find the terrorist groups and eliminate the threats. They embark on threat elimination missions in various parts of the world where their different units are stationed. The Action filled film is as captivating as it is enlightening. Unlike the common occurrence, the Act of valor film precedes the Act of Valor book. The film story writer wrote the story from a fictional original idea and the book authors borrowed their ideas and plot from the book. The book is written by Dick Couch and George Galdorisi. The book goes deep into the details in the description of the characters and the events that take place. This paper will compare and contrast the Films and the book, Act of Valor. The book is more accurate than the movie since it gives more details of the story and anyone looking for a thrilling action story should read it. Comparison and Contrast The Plot in both the book and the film is similar. The plot begins with the Navy SEALs team bein g dispatched on a rescue mission in Columbia where a U.S. CIA agent is held captive by an enemy group. The SEAL team seven is dispatched on a ship to perform the mission that is expected to be simple and fast but they later get information that there are plans underway to attack the U.S. The SEALs are then given intelligence information to embark on a global manhunt to stop the terrorists’ plan that is very well coordinated. The action moves from Chechnya shifting to the Philippines and later to Ukraine and Somalia where the SEALs conduct combat attacks to stop the terrorists. With each mission that the SEALs accomplish, a new puzzle is served to them and they are sent out to join the pieces in different parts of the world where the terrorists are stationed. The Film and the book capture the lives of the SEALs members and how the missions affect them and their families back at home. The action filled plot turns into an emotional rollercoaster once in a while when the lives an d worries of the SEALs are detailed (McCoy & Wuagh). The characters in both the movie and in the book are the same. The book writers took their ideas from the film and they were obliged to ensure that all the characters in the film appeared in the book exactly as their lives are portrayed in the film. The fact that the book is written from the screen play makes it difficult for the book writers to ignore any significant occurrence in the film. One of the greatest differences between the book and the film is the lengthy description in the book. The book has to capture the exact character image portrayed in the movie and this calls for detailed description to create a mental picture of the character’s lives and descriptions. The movie features actual Navy SEALs and the book’s description is intact on their image and lives (McCoy & Wuagh). The writers of the book enjoy the availability of time and space in the book to add more information to the lives of the characters. T he movie is time bounded and the story had to be shorter. The book in the other hand goes deeper into the details of the SEALs description and the way they handled the missions. In the book, the attacks that the SEALs engage in are vividly described, making what the film shows seem like just a sneak peak of the real event. The book illustrates every single detail of the fictitious story in a very clear way that the reader can almost visualize the experience. In the movie, the combat scenes are well

Monday, September 23, 2019

Unilever AxeDove controversy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Unilever AxeDove controversy - Case Study Example Unilever AxeDove controversy The company has a large work force of more than 180,000 people in the world with revenue of more that US$58 billion. The company was established from Roternd and London companies which also act as the mother companies for all other branches in the world. Recently the company has been engulfed in one of the most heated controversy in the history of business world arising from its advertisement. The company has been engaged in a various criticisms before but the recent one seems to have attracted the attention of unlikely quarters from politicians to the human reign activists. It has become a subject to social conversation all over the world due to its mode of advertisement. There have been many blogs in the internet that have been used against the company and its advertisement strategy especially the recent one Axe/dove advertisement which has attracted most criticism even before they make their impact on the market. The market of the two brands Axe and Dove have attracted the advocacy groups who have been campaigning for the need to have commercial-free childhood advertisements. The dove product advertisement has been used as a marketing strategy that is said to be promoting real beauty. In the advertisement there is a dove that is promising the girls a good care if they use the products. In this regard no one can understand how a dove can promise the girl a good care. The company has however described the advertisement as showing the need to have real beauty rather than acting as an advisement to encourage girls to use the products and has therefore started a campaign that is aimed at funning projects for girl child. But this is contradicted by another advertisement of its products Axe deodorant which has been described as having an effect of 'epitomizing the sexist and degrading making that has been undermining girls'. This has been shone to be a potential harm to the health development of grid as contradicted to the other advertisement of the Dove which promotes health self-image for all women. (Newman, 2007) The company has been on the defense saying that the Dove brand is meant to show women the need of feel beautiful always which has been expressed by wide way in the today's stereotyping of beauty and it is meant to inspire women to be taking car of them. For this reason the company has created Dove Self-Esteem Fund that is meant to educate and act as inspiration to girls. On the other hand the Axe campaign shows 'the mating game' and expressed the desire of men to get noticed by women. (High, 2007) The above advertisement has been casusign a lot of criticisms for the company not only from the civil activists but also from political arena. It has been descried as the higher hypocrisy in marketing and there have been threat of taking of civil action by not allowing the Dove Fund to take seminars to school unless the Axe advertisement is changed. Let us analyze the effect of the advertisemen

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Patton-Fuller Network Design Project Essay Example for Free

Patton-Fuller Network Design Project Essay This project focuses on designing an integrated network for the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. The first section of the paper describes the characteristics and components of the current network as well as the standards that coincide with the project. Lastly, the paper also evaluates the current network topology. The hospital has a power backup unit designed to automatically use auxiliary power from a diesel generator. Each department also has its own uninterruptible power supply. The topographical network design shows that of a centralized design. This system has benefits with no need for an operating system stored locally. Thus improving the performance because the OS and user applications are already running on the servers, however it also increases the risk if the mainframe suddenly lost power it will affect all terminals. Distributed networks have much less risk of power outages because if one component in the network fails the others will still have functionality. On the other hand they require OS and software installed on individual computers which require additional hardware to store it, which can take more time to maintain and update. The network bridge is a critical component in this network that passes information locally throughout the network. Doctors can be authorized in a virtual private network (VPN) from a router linked to the remote access server (RAS) that permits them access to the servers from their home. For email functions the network has a Windows Exchange server running on an IBM x3250 series. Workstations in doctor’s offices and nurses have iMac clients on fiber cables. The senior managers in human resources, operations, and finance have virtual operating systems with both Mac OSX (Leopard) and Windows XP. The hospitals current network architecture comprises of a network bridge joining  the administrative and clinical areas. All administrative functions have lines contained in a trunk using Cat 6. The executive departments have Apple desktop systems with Wi-Fi cards installed. The hospital central mainframe is an IBM series Z9EC featuring a database storing patient records and with a fiber connection to a 10 terabyte NAS. Clinical departments have another trunk line on a single mode fiber optic line. (Virtual Organizations Portal, 2011) As part of HIPAA, which is meant to protect patient information in attempts of data breaches. This information is stored in encrypted data files using AES (advanced encryption standard). Access is permitted through identification and authentication of any user the requests this information. Standards are important in networking because all networking devices must have the same rules for communication to prevent a loss of data. Networks can have several levels of scope, local area networks (LAN) are a group of devices connected by Ethernet cables and are limited to the same building with a range of 300 feet. Wide area networks (WAN) are networks built in cities, usually for institutions. Wireless networks have the same scope as LANs do, but use radio signals as communication between a router or wireless modem and any number of wireless devices. A WLAN will require a wireless standard in typically 802.11n or ac. In the installation of a WAN an X.25 standard using a leased line will be adequate for a connection between other hospital locations. (International Business Machines [IBM], n.d.). Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) is a telephone network that utilizes the Internet to send voice signals. Unlike the public switched telephone networks that require extra hardware when placing calls in other countries, VoIP send data packets to the phone. Which is the same as how a webpage is loaded in a browser (Nunn, McGuire, Crowe, 2009) In summary, this paper discussed characteristics and components in Patton-Fuller’s network and its topographical design. Finally, standards that are relevant to this project were analyzed. References International Business Machines. (n.d.). Wide area network standards: X.25 networks. Retrieved from Nunn, L., McGuire, B., Crowe, B. (2009, Forth Quarter). Measuring the benefits of voice over internet protocol. The Review of Business Information

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Papa Johns Pizza Plan for India

The Papa Johns Pizza Plan for India 1. Executive Summary: Papa Johns Pizza is International well know brand in Pizza Industry and it is third largest in the world with more than 3500 outlets. As per the company Marketing director they said we are not really competing with dominos we are not in the same category. Dominos is more delivery and take always, while we offer a complete dining experience in addition to delivery and take away options. Also Papa Johns pizza is public company which having its head quarters at Louisville in USA. We had planned to open 4 outlets at the openings in India as per the target. Our target will be to first capture the pizza lovers and attract the customers of Dominos and Pizza hurt. Give people what they want. The free open market and government regulation to work in INDIA is quite helpful to what we had planned. Mix culture and good tourism industry had made to decide to take Papa Johns pizza to India. As it is major tourist attraction and well known for its hospitability. At last but not least we had some marketing strategy and plan to improve our business. We had a Potential growth in two products which has been introduced recently Pasta and Seafood Pizzas which has are just into the market. Once this gets moving then there wont be any stopping. 2. Business: 2. 1Company Overview Papa Johns International, Inc. is the third largest pizza company in the world with over 3,500 restaurants. It is a public company and traded in the NASDAQ stock market under the symbol PZZA. The headquarters located at Louisville, Kentucky, USA. It operates and franchises pizza delivery and carryout restaurants in United States (Domestic Market) include dine-in and restaurant-base delivery services in worldwide international market under the Papa Johns trademark. 2.2 Products and services Papa Johns operates (own-restaurants) and franchises pizza delivery, carryout restaurants in Domestic Market (US) and dine-in or restaurant-base delivery services in worldwide international market. Papa Johns provided 4 main categories products which are: Pizzas in 8 main choices: The works, The meats, Spicy Italian, Garden Fresh, Tuscan Six Cheese, Spinach Alfredo, BBQ Chicken and Bacon and Hawaiian BBQ Chicken Side items: Breadsticks, Garlic Parmesan Breadsticks, Cheese sticks, Chicken strips, Wings, Cinnamon pie, Apple pie, Sweet Sticks and Chocolate Pastry Delights Drinks: Coca-Cola soft drink products Dipping Source and Seasonings: Garlic, Pizza, Barbeque, Ranch, Cheese, Mustard, Pepperoncini, Anchovies, Jalapeà ±o Peppers, and Banana Peppers. 2.3 Situations and Risks Currently, from the 2009 annual report, the total sale revenue for 2009 was $1.11 billion. That was Papa Johns Pizza earned 11% market share after Pizza Hut (27.5%) and Domino (16.2%) which is their main competitors including the following Little Caesars getting 8.3% share. Source: Annual Meeting of Stockholder, 2010 Source: Annual Meeting of Stockholder, 2010 According to the 2009 financial crisis in United State, Papa Johns had closed 11 restaurants in domestic market compared to the previous year growth at 103 units in 2007 and 32 units in 2008. While new 100 restaurants open in the 2009 international market and international franchise system sales increased24%. Source: Papa Johns JP Morgan Gaming, Lodging, Restaurant Leisure Management Access Forum, 2010. In year 2010, they forecast the sale growth for domestic market will be between -1% (decline) and +1% by open around 40-60 new restaurants. And the company will focus more in international market and forecast to grow around 15% to 20% by trying to open 100 120 new restaurants worldwide in year 2010. In this report, well analyze and purpose the plan to expand the market in to INDIA that aligns with Papa Johns company plan. 3. Marketing Plan 3.1 Key Objective: The key objectives of Papa Johns pizza are as follows: Localizing the Menu as per the local taste and culture. Pricing and promotion as per the price range and the local people capacity to pay. Brand building through advertisement media and local newspaper. Going places literally to promote their brand and sales. 3.2 Media Coverage: To generate sales and profit for Papa John pizza, the benefits of the company should be communicated to the customers. The international marketing campaign like web page advertising and online marketing is very much needed. Other sales can be achieved through advertisement on Television, local magazines, newspaper, radio, poster and sponsorship to various local events in the city. 3.3 Marketing Descriptions: INDIA has a large market sector in tourism and information technology as well as the other products to export to other countries. A large number of factories are in INDIA and the environmental issue is a one consideration in INDIA. The majority of population is HINDU and they have strong Hindu culture in food production and restaurants in INDIA. 3.4Target Group As the population chart presented below, we will know that INDIA has a numerous Hindu ethic group of population. We also use fours marketing mix to receive the right Product, Place, Price, and Promotion in our franchise Papas pizza in INDIA. The highest number of population age is between15 to 64 years ages that it is represented at 64.3% of whole number of population in INDIA (the World fact book, 2010). Therefore, target group of our business will be this ethic group and the population who are aged between 15 to 64 years. 3.5 Marketing strategy: As Papas franchise is Fast food business, people can save their time to cook. We provide good delivery service for our customers. They can order online or calling to order. We also give our coupon discount online and customers can download to use voucher to purchase our pizza. The promotion will be followed the season and event in INDIA. We also supply the survey online to allow customers to make comment and require about our products and service. Hence, customers decision will be depended on ages group from each person to each person and people who live there and visit there. As the high visitor, it not difficult for our Papas pizza to catch up with the fast food market in INDIA. 4 PEST ANALYSES: 4.1POLITICAL ANALYSIS: It includes the regulations and Acts issued or regularised by INDIAN government. Some examples of them are: The factories Act 1948: States that to have an adequate and safety measures, also includes the safety of health and wealth for the workers working in factories. Minimum Wages Act, 1948: To provide a minimum fixation of wages to the employees who are applicable to engaged to any kind of skill, unskilled or clerical work. This act mainly works for the rights of workers. 4.2ECONOMIC TERNDS Indian Economy is quite Intersting, well say seems to emerging economy in economic expansion with the other countries like CHINA, Russia, MEXICO, Brazil. Because of its cheap labor it is always benifited for outsourcig of work from deveolped countries with strong manufacturing and industrial work. 4.3 Social and Environmental issues: With the Modern growth of economy and countries strong old cultural, India still has some extent of its old Myths and strong religious values which somewhat affects the business. Rather say India has strong Hindu religious background but there are various religious groups such as Islam, Christianity, which makes it a complete diverse nation. As the 80% is HINDU by religious the serving of Beef or pork is treated an objectionable in Indian cultural. There are lots of festive season out of which Diwali is one of the biggest one. As the British has ruled in India for decades they have certainly acquired the British way of doing Business. But before British Mughals has ruled in India so the culture has some mixed values with the architecture related to this. India has around 28 states and main 18 regionally languages. 4.4TECHNOLOGICAL PHASE Consumer food market is efficient in terms of production as of its national productivity, investment in research and development, innovation. Financial condition prevail INDIA from furthering the technological gap and capital intensity between formal and informal sectors. Productions system through innovation, design capability and product market push in INDIA is not up to the mark to leverage exogenous knowledge as to remote growth as per the quality and cost. 5 Porter Five Forces: Power of buyers: Concentration of buyers: As especially INDIA is a diverse country and the tourism as well as population is most dominant sector as per the business concern in INDIA. So the main concentration of buyers is always on the tourist as well as the people within the country. Differentiation: Well Papa John pizza is well known for its standardization in pizza industry. They have standard size, rate and quality so there will be no differentiation in their standards. Profitability of buyers: well, the hotel industry is well known business in INDIA. So buyers have very much hard competition among themselves. Also buyers have very wide range of choice to select the product. Power of suppliers: Concentration of suppliers: As we discuss earlier INDIA is a diverse country there are many people of different culture and religion so there are various different suppliers as per the choice and requirement. Branding: Well the main industrial and economical benefit of the country is through tourism industry. So especially from different countries is more concern about the brand image while buying a product. Also, INDIA is major hub for its international market and well known brands. Power of entrants: Economies of scale: As per the GDP till year 2010 INDIA 3.57 trillion dollars. Manufacturing and services are the twin engines of the INDIA economy and accounted for 28.2% and 54.9%, respectively, of India gross domestic product in 2009. The electronics and chemicals industries lead INDIA manufacturing sector, Threats of substitutes: Quality: Quality is a substitute better? Well the industry which gives the better quality and service has longer profit. So there is an always a threat of substitutes in the INDIA especially in the hotel industry, quality is important criteria in them. 6. SWOT Analyses: Strength: Papa Johns Pizza having there their strength as the quality of fresh food they used, Customer satisfaction, Delivering pizza on time to customer and most important thing they dont have call centers to make order on phone. So the direct calls are routed to the pizza shop and there are less chances of making mistake in taking order, like it happens in Pizza hut always. Weakness: The weakness of Papa Johns pizza is that they have very limited range of pizza menu as compared to Pizza hut. Which some time divert the customer from them because people want change and new variety food. Opportunities: As per the information of INDIA, it is a multi religious nation so our opportunities will be make the traditional food Pizza for the food lover. Also pizza hut dont have any kind of these pizza as they are already there. One more thing we liked to introduce is Pasta for people. Threats: Our only threats in future are Pizza hut and other fast food chains because our main competitors are hotel industry particularly the pizza industry. So we have to compete among them with good strategic planning and service. 7. Competitor Analysis: List of major competitors and any potential competitors: Pizza Hut, Dominos KFC Mc Donald Other Fast Food Chains in INDIA. Among this major competitor Pizza Hut is our potential competitor because it is well-known pizza maker and it ready set in Pizza business in INDIA. Pizza hut has built its own website online to provide both take away and dine-in restaurant for customers to make both reservation and order. Identification and analysis of strategic group Fast food chains are main competitors in our business. Service industry is good in INDIA. There are many tourist attractions. Therefore, our major strategic group will be local restaurants and fast food chains. Size, Growth and profitability Gross of national product of INDIA is approximately $ 302.6 billion. Compare with the United States and other western countries. 8. Operations Plan: Operational plan establish the activities and budgets involved for each and every part of the organization. Operational plan generally interlink with strategic plan with the activities involved and thus the organization can able to deliver all the resources required to deliver them. The main objective of Papa Johns pizza company is they are looking to attract new franchise partners all over the world. The best example is Papa Johns Pizzas UK and Ireland expansion. There are various act ivies involved in order to implement objectives. For example they have come up with the new concept to deliver pizza by launching a delivery vehicles for this they also branded Smart Car which illustrates the snaps of fresh pizza ingredients on them. Mainly it includes freezer as well as an integrated hot-bad system which ensures that pizzas are delivered properly according to the customers requirements. The main reason behind this is, if customer orders pizza as well any drink then while delivering that product it should not be get cold or hot visa-versa. They also researched from different group of people that companys branding was one of the good indication of the product quality. According to Schnatter these improvements are nothing but process of refinement rather than any change that may be disastrous. The factors such as company culture develop a framework which contains the processes and also modeling a consistent eager to deliver better plays major factors in quality improvement standards. In one of their visionary statements not only includes business growth of this company but also growth of Papa Johns employees. Finally whole quality standards would be implemented by people only therefore they are also attracting and keeping talent. This companys fundamental based on people. In other words this company is people growing machine where team building is the vital aspect in improving quality standards. The expected outputs includes now Papa John is already the third largest pizza franchisor in the world, but they still has sights on reaching number 2 position and ultimately becoming the number 1 pizza chain in the world. The factors such as looking ahead to the next task challenge and goals give Papa John strength to achieve expected outputs. 9. Financial: 9.1 Assumption and Information: The key indicators such as stock exchange, exchange rates and interest rates, assets, import and exports manage the world economy. The country this report researches on current Papa John pizza financial condition in US. They are effectively running there pizza industry business in US and need to expand more as time grows. 9.2 Financial requirement from Papa Johns: As per the international franchise development rule of Papa John pizza the company who want to take franchise has to pay $25,000 fees for per restaurant. Out of which they have to pay $5000 at the time of agreement and rest $20,000 at the opening of the restaurant. Besides that if you want to open the sub branches they have to pay $15,000 for additional each store. 9.3Financial support and Interest rate: The interest of bank vary globally due to political stability, internal policies, government regulations etc, however the financial markets are dependence on interbank interest rates Well also according to Franchise Restaurant Development. Papa John provides assistance to Papa Johns franchisees in selecting sites, developing restaurants and evaluating the physical specifications for typical restaurants. 9.4Financial Risks: Papa john pizza needs to consider the following points before entering into INDIA such as foreign tax laws, how much restriction is made on profit which is repatriated to Papa John pizza. 10. Appendices: INDIA overview Demographic Feature: Area : 3,287,263 sq Km Population : 1,156,897,766 (July 2010 EST.) Capital : Delhi Nationality : INDIAN. Language : Hindi and 18 regional languages. Racial Groups : eclectic mixture of local religion Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist etc. Population Growth rate : 1.5407% (2010) Birth rate : 21.72 births/1000population (2009) Age structure: 0-14 years: 30.5% 15-64 years: 64.3% 65 years and over: 5.2% Median age : Total: 25.9 years. male: 25.4 years Female: 26.6 years (2010 EST.) Death rate : 7.6 deaths/1,000 population (July 2010) Infant mortality rate: total: 50.78 deaths/1,000 live births male: 49.33 deaths/1,000 live births Female: 52.4 deaths/1,000 live births (2009 EST.) Life expectancy At birth : total population: 66.09 years male: 65.13 years Female: 67.17 years (2009 EST.) Total fertility rate : 2.65 children born/woman (2009 EST.)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Great Gatsby Essay -- essays research papers

The Great Gatsby   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many different types of people in this world. Apart from physical features, it is the characteristics of a person that makes him/her original. Nick Carraway the narrator of The Great Gatsby, has qualities which are the complete opposite of those of Tom Buchanan, his cousin-in-law. In the novel, the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, uses the comparison between two cousins to show how their differing characteristics reflects the themes of morality and reality versus illusion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of Nick’s Characteristics, that is incompatible with Toms is that Nick is cautious when speaking. On an occasion when Mr. Gatz said something that Nick disagreed with , Nick still hesitantly, agreed with him, as to not hurt an old man’s feelings; as apparent by the following quote: “If he lived, he would have been a great man. A man like James J. Hill. He’d of helped build up the country.’ ‘That’s true,’ I said, uncomfortably. (Pg. 164) Tom, who is at the other end of the rope, is very careless about what he says; he does not care if he hurts someone. At one time, he was very rude when paying only ten dollars to a dog seller on the street. “ ‘Is it a boy or a girl?’ she asked delicately, ‘That dog. That dog’s a boy. (Dog-seller) ‘It’s a bitch,’ said Tom decisively. ‘Here’s your money. Go and buy ten more dogs with it.’ (Pg. 28) This shows that Tom does not care if he hurts the feelings of the person to whom he speaks with. Nick’s carefulness when speaking and Tom’s Carelessness reveals a lot about their morality. It shows that Nick’s morals are high he can not hurt an old man who had just lost his son; whereas Tom’s morals are so low, that he hurts a poor stranger walking down the street, who is trying to make a living. The carefulness of speaking shows the theme of morality because it reflects respect for humanity. With the realization that the way one wants to be treated he or she treats the other person with the same respect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nick’s carefulness when saying something reveals the fact that he makes good judgements. An example of his g... ...door while we were getting ready to leave and when I sent down “?'; that weren’t in he tried to force this way upstairs. He was crazy enough to kill me if I hadn’t told him who owed the car. His hand was on the revolver in his pocket every minute he was in the house-’ He broke off definitely. ‘What if I did tell him (Gatsby)? That fellow had it coming to him. He threw dust into your eyes just like he did Daisy’ (Pg. 180) This shows Tom did not feel any remorse for telling on Gatsby. The fact that Nick has a conscience and Tom does not seem to have a conscience gives more depth of morality of these characters. Nicks sensitive conscience proves that he is a clean-hearted person; whereas tom insensitive conscience proves that he is a selfish person. The theme of morality is shown through their conscience actions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The characteristics of human beings, can say a lot about what kind of person they are. Both Nick and Tom have characteristics that are quite the opposite. In showing the differing characteristics of Nick and Tom, Fritzgerald portrays the themes of morality and reality versus illusion.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

the story of an hour :: essays research papers

In Kate Chopin's short story "The Story of an Hour," there is much irony. The first irony detected is in the way that Louise reacts to the news of the death of her husband, Brently Mallard. Before Louise's reaction is revealed, Chopin alludes to how the widow feels by describing the world according to her perception of it after the "horrible" news. Louise is said to "not hear the story as many women have heard the same." Rather, she accepts it and goes to her room to be alone. Now the reader starts to see the world through Louise's eyes, a world full of new and pure life. In her room, Louise sinks into a comfortable chair and looks out her window. Immediately the image of comfort seems to strike a odd note. One reading this story should question the use of this word " comfortable" and why Louise is not beating the furniture instead. Next, the newly widowed women is looking out of the window and sees spring and all the new life it brings. The descriptions used now are as far away from death as possible. "The delicios breath of rain...the notes of a distant song...countless sparrows were twittering...patches of blue sky...." All these are beautiful images of life , the reader is quite confused by this most unusual foreshadowing until Louise's reaction is explained. The widow whispers "Free, free, free!" Louise realizes that her husband had loved her, but she goes on to explain that as men and women often inhibit eachother, even if it is done with the best of intentions, they exert their own wills upon eachother. She realized that although at times she had loved him, she has regained her freedom, a state of beeing that all of G-d's creatures strive for. Although this reaction is completely unexpected, the reader quickly accepts it because of Louise's adequate explanation. She grows excited and begins to fantasize about living her life for herself. With this realization, she wishes that "life might be long," and she feels like a "goddess of Victory" as she walks down the stairs. This is an eerie forshadowing for an even more unexpected ending. The reader has just accepted Louise's reaction to her husband's death, when the most unexpected happens; her husband is actually alive and he enters the room shocking everyone, and Louise especially, as she is shocked to death.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Defining Moments in Song of Solomon, Push, and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas :: comparison compare contrast essays

Defining Moments in Song of Solomon, Push, and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas      Ã‚  Ã‚   For those who bask in the light of privilege in the dominant culture, they take for granted their right to assert themselves and to be acknowledged as "somebody who matters". For those who live in the shadowy margins (such as the American poor and/or minorities), they experience the systematic denial of the basic human rights - to live at one's fullest potential, in other words, an outright denial from living a "dignified life". Such a denial might cause one to feel "voiceless and choiceless" (Objective 1b). It has been the minority's experience, (historically and in the present day) that the right to achieve one's full potential is kept just out of reach. Minorities must first fight for survival. Then, if there is enough energy and hope remaining, they can strive to utilize vehicles of assimilation or resistance (Objective 4) in order to carve a place for themselves in the world. However, this does not mean that a full realization of the "American dream" is even possible. For every small victory, there remains a bitter aftertaste. In other words, for every step gained, there is a "personal or cultural sacrifice" (Objective 4). Meanwhile, on the journey to freedom, the individual is plagued with 'ghosts' of the past. These 'hauntings' can appear in the form of individual/family oppression: (knowledge of emotional pain, physical violence) or in the form of a historical haunting: (i.e. knowledge that your ancestor was a slave; the traditional family unit broken)(Objective 3). These disturbances continue to surface and demand to be worked through, thus a 'haunting' is another factor that holds one back from achieving their full potential.    Whether oppression comes from a large, historical institution such as slavery, or from inter-family abuse, it is the process of suppression that I am exploring in this essay. The process of oppression is where families or institutions withhold or prevent one's self-worth or self-identity to develop. I will explore the personal journeys of the following characters; 1) Frederick Douglas from The Classic Slave Narratives, 2) Milkman from Song of Solomon, 3) Precious from Push, noting how they all share a common path through the darkness of oppression towards the ability to assert their self-identity.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bel Canto Essay

Bel Canto – Essay Love in a pressure cooker is much different then love in â€Å"real† life or in the mundane world. The pressure cooker in Bel Canto would be the situation of being held hostage, held inside by terrorists. Not being able to live the lives that they all once lived. In the mundane world people are busy. They are busy taking children here and there; people have schedules to attend to and places to be. The ability to do what they want is limited. Many parts of the â€Å"real† world are dictated by agendas. People lose the ability to love naturally. They learn to love something or someone because they are around it all the time or it’s what they are told to love. Many of times people forgo doing things they love because they don’t have time or don’t make time to do what they love. When Kato played piano for the first time it was like a hearing all their feelings come alive. Kato didn’t tell anyone that he played piano he just decided to play. Simon and Edith also found there love again, there love for each other. Because death and danger were possible many of the characters wanted to have friendships while in the hostage situation. Many of them faced language barriers but over came them so that they had what they wanted in dire times. The characters also live for the moment. They act in ways that they wouldn’t in any other situation because the unknown thought of death is lingering. When Hosokawa started to realize that he loved Roxanne it was not known if they would ever really be together. Hosokawa was willing to give up his life in Japan to be with Roxanne, because he realized in this situation that he was not doing what he loved and did not love the life he was living. Love in a pressure cooker situation makes people be more spontaneous and do the things they have forgotten about or want to do rather then what they have to do. Love in the real world is different. It’s harder to get to know someone sometime, or be able to be with someone because society says it shouldn’t be allowed. Real world love is harder and more difficult to keep at times. But in the end, Love is still Love and it is something that is felt by all, whether you are in a pressure cooker situation or in the real world. The desire to be loved by someone is always there and the desire to love someone is always there too.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Eric Bentley’s Criticism of Krogstad’s Character in a Doll’s House

When Eric Bentley wrote in â€Å"Ibsen, Pro and Con† that Krogstad was â€Å"a mere pawn of the plot. † adding that â€Å"When convenient to Ibsen, he is a blackmailer. When inconvenient, he is converted,† I believe he had entirely missed the point of his character in A Doll House. Krogstad’s characterization is a flagship example of the way Henrik Ibsen wrote all the characters in the play: representations of man’s true multi ­faceted nature. On the surface the reader makes quick judgement about the content of the roles’ characters; Nora, ditzy; Torvald, loving; Linde, reliable; and Krogstad, evil. It is not merely a convenience to the plot when Krogstad’s true nature is revealed, but the first obvious example of Ibsen’s desire to show the reader that not everyone is simply a one ­layered individual, and not everyone is just as they seem. When the reader realizes that the source of Krogstad’s misdeeds lies in result of his troubled past and love for Mrs. Linde in Act 3 when he says, â€Å"When I lost you, it was as if all the solid ground kage,† readers no longer view him as the villain they saw before. By the end of the novel Nora â€Å"believe[s] that first and foremost [she is] an individual, just as [Torvald is]† and â€Å"stands alone† rather than beneath Torvald’s thumb. Torvald, himself, is no longer the perfect husband and morally upright, but more like Nora’s original characterization with a desperation for a perfect doll house. Mrs. Linde who seemed independent and well ­off living for herself at the beginning of play reveals her want to be a mother and care for others again by the end. went from under my feet. Look at me now—I am a shipwrecked man clinging to a bit of wreck. Ibsen’s Krogstad is no more a flip ­flop of characterization than any other character in the play, but this flop is not just a simple plot device. The revelation of the changes in all the roles are not actually changes at all, they are simply the reveal of the multiple layers to each of them.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hurricanes Versus Tornados

Two devastating and deadly natural disasters are the hurricane and the tornado which both cause heavy amounts of damage and are uncontrollable. There are many similarities in how hurricanes and tornadoes are formed. Although they are distinct disasters, hurricanes, and tornadoes pose similar threats to resources because of high winds which can destroy properties and affect the economy along with people’s lives. Both the hurricane, and the tornado are rated on a category scale. First, devastating, and deadly natural disaster is a hurricane. In order for a hurricane to form it has to begin in a warm atmosphere. The seas are normally at their warmest from June to November. A hurricane requires sea- surface temperatures of at least 26 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit). This provides energy for the hurricane and causes more evaporation making humid air and clouds. The winds coming together force air upwards and winds flow outwards above the storm, allowing the air below to rise. Now this is what makes the storm and the light winds outside the hurricane steers it and this is how it grows into a formation of a hurricane. All hurricanes are dangerous and can cause numerous amounts of damage but the most dangerous parts of hurricanes are storm surges which also cause huge amounts of damages because of flooding. The flooding is caused by winds pushing ocean water toward sand. It is estimated that ten-thousand people die each year because of hurricanes. Many of human’s deaths are caused mainly by the flooding that occurs during a hurricane. For example, during hurricane Katrina in two-thousand and five it was devastating because much of the city of New Orleans flooded. Some eighteen-hundred people lost their lives because of hurricane Katrina and more than twenty-five hundred injuries occurred as well. No one wants to be caught in a hurricane because nowhere in a hurricane are you safe. This is why it is important to look for hurricane warnings and to evacuate if it is recommended in your area. Second, devastating, and deadly natural disaster is a tornado. A tornado can occur anywhere in the world. Most tornadoes in the United States form in an area called â€Å"tornado alley† the formation of a tornado is from a combination of thunderstorms, wind shears (change in wind speed or direction), and updrafts (upward moving winds). A tornado begins in a severe thunderstorm called a super cell. A super cell thunderstorm is a huge rotating thunderstorm and this can last for several hours. Usually these storms are likely to produce long lasting tornadoes and baseball sized hail. This is why super cell tornadoes are typically the largest and most damaging tornadoes because of the long duration of the storms. Many tornadoes cause high winds and sometimes massive damage. Violent winds cause trees to be uprooted, cars lifted, and roofs ripped off homes. For example, one of the most violent tornadoes was in Oklahoma City in 1999. It was one of the costly tornados in the United States history. Some 44 people died and more were to be reported. More than 750 people were injured in the Oklahoma City tornado. This was rated as an F5 causing incredible damage to homes, structures, cars, etc. In America there are emergency broadcasts which state the scale and category of the disasters. Both hurricanes and tornadoes are rated by how much damage they cause. Hurricanes are rated on a Saffir/Simpson hurricane scale. It was originated in 1969 by two men one named Herbert saffir who was an engineer with those skills Herbert could determine the destruction that would be caused by the high winds and storm surges associated by a hurricane. The second man involved in this scale was Robert Simpson; he was a meteorologist whose knowledge of the weather helped in determining wind speeds and intensity of storm surges. The categories of this scale are from one to five, five as the most destructive. Tornadoes are rated on a Fujita tornado intensity scale. The Fujita scale was created in 1971 by a man named Professor Theodore Fujita also known as â€Å"Mr. Tornado. † He was a pioneer in the study of tornadoes. Those studies helped create some basic knowledge of severe storms. The categories of this scale are from F-zero to F-five, five as incredible damage. As of yet there is no other tornado that has occurred with incredible damage besides the 1999 Oklahoma City tornado that was rated as an F5 (incredible damage). Wind speeds play a big role in the destruction caused from both hurricanes and tornadoes. Two devastating and deadly natural disasters are the hurricane and the tornado which both cause heavy amounts of damage and are uncontrollable. Both the hurricane and tornado can cause severe damage to many people’s homes, properties, and affect the economy. Many hurricane damages come from the flooding and the tornado damages come from the violent winds. Both the hurricane, and the tornado can be very deadly and this is why many humans should always be aware and look for warning signs that will be broadcasted in their area before a disaster occurs. Broadcasts will also keep you posted on the latest information on a hurricane or tornado, and it will also state if there will be an evacuation in the area. It is very important to watch all broadcasts because this could be a life saver for many humans.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

US Pres Johnson’s Policy in Vietnam

The United States of America is often described as invincible and unyielding. Yet during the Vietnam War, America was forced to look at its weaknesses, both politically and militarily. President Lyndon B. Johnson, in sending U. S. Marines in March 1965, followed shortly thereafter by U. S. Army ground combat units, broke the strategic continuity of American involvement in Vietnam and, in so doing, paved the way for the U. S. forces' ultimate defeat. Thus, it is plausible that President Johnson†s policy in Vietnam was â€Å"doomed to fail† from the beginning. Although South Vietnam asked for help, which the United States had previously promised, the entire conflict was managed in order to meet personal political agendas and to remain politically correct in the world†s eyes rather than to bring a quick and decisive end to the conflict. This can be seen in the selective bombing of Hanoi throughout the course of the Vietnam War. Politically, this strategy looked very good. However, militarily it was ludicrous. War is the one arena in which politicians have no place. War is the military†s sole purpose. United States involvement in Vietnam continued to escalate throughout the 1950†³s and into the early 1960†³s. On August 4, 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin incident occurred in which American Naval Vessels in South Vietnamese waters were fired upon by North Vietnam. On August 5, 1964, President Johnson requested a resolution expressing the determination of the United States to continue in its basic policy of assisting the free nations of the area to defend their freedom. On August 7, 1964, in response to the presidential request, Congress authorized President Johnson â€Å"to take all necessary measures to repel any attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression†¦ † (A). The selective bombing of North Vietnam began immediately in response to this resolution. In March of the following year U. S. Troops began to arrive. Although the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution specifically stated that we had no military, political, or territorial ambitions in southeast Asia, the interests back home were of a different nature. The United States was not expecting a more extensive development in Vietnam, and Johnson shocked the nation by his exclusive decision. â€Å"A mature great power will make measured and limited use of its power†¦ Since in this generation we have become a great power, I am in favor of learning to behave like a great power†¦ † (B). Thus a major downfall of Johnson†s policy was his blatant misuse of his respective power. According to Johnson in his State of the Union Address, â€Å"We will stay because in Asia-and around the world-are countries whose independence rests, in large measure, on confidence in America†s word and protection† (C). However, the political involvement in Vietnam was about much more than just promised aid to a weak country in order to prevent the spread of communism. It was about money. After all, wars require equipment, guns, tools and machinery. Most of which was produced in the United States. â€Å"We intervened with money, â€Å"advisors†, bombers, and weapons at a time when even our own government did not claim that North Vietnam was sending forces south† (G). It was about proving America†s commitment to stop communism. Or rather to confine communism in its present boundaries. Most of all it was about politics. The military involvement in Vietnam is directly related to the political management of the military throughout the war. The military controlled by the politicians. The management of the military by the White House for political gain is the primary reason for both the length and cost, both monetary and human, of the Vietnam War. One of the largest problems was the lack of a clear objective in the war and the support to accomplish it. â€Å"So-how do we end the war in Vietnam?†¦ We must revise our objective. Instead of negotiation, our objective must be to make the war so costly for the Communists that they will end it†¦ We must fight the war from our strength, not theirs† (F). The politicians dictated the war in Vietnam. It was a limited war; the military was never allowed to fight the war in the manner that they thought that they needed to in order to win it. To conclude on the Vietnam War, the political management of the war made it unwinnable. The military was at the mercy of politicians, especially Johnson, who knew very little about what needed to be done militarily in order to win the war. And it is the failure of that regime to come to the bargaining table that has thus far frustrated every effort to move the problem of South Vietnam from a military to a political solution† (E). Therefore, the U. S. Military should be allowed to conduct any war, conflict, or police action that it has been committed to without political interference or control because of the problems and hidden interests which are always present when dealing with politics. There is an enormous difference between political judgment and military judgment. This difference is the primary reason for the outcome of the Vietnam War. Vietcong knew they could beat us by wearing the United States down until they surrendered (H). It was the policy of military escalation in Vietnam, however, that proved to be Johnson's undoing as president. It deflected attention from domestic concerns, resulted in sharp inflation, and prompted rising criticism, especially among young, draft-aged people. â€Å"†¦ mood of Congress changed, a reflection of public attitudes strongly influenced by the news media, particularly television† (I). Although society originally supported Johnson†s policy, he lost a large amount of support due to his mistakes. Escalation also failed to win the war. The drawn-out struggle made Johnson even more secretive, dogmatic, and highly sensitive to criticism. His usually sure political instincts were failing. On March 31, 1968, President Johnson was faced with increasing antiwar sentiment. He announced a halt in all bombing north of the 20th parallel and offered to negotiate for peace with North Vietnam. Peace talks began in Paris in May, but were quickly deadlocked. After the United States stopped bombing North Vietnam in early November, the North Vietnamese agreed not to escalate the war. In January 1969 South Vietnam and the NLF joined the talks. (History of the United States) Americans judge the Vietnam War to have been a â€Å"mistake. † Unfortunately, few claim to know what the U. S. should have done differently. President Johnson made various unfavorable decisions, and his ignorance led to the demise of our military and political policies. Through the corruption and misuse of power, the strategically wrong military setup, and the high cost, the Vietnam War was doomed to fail from the beginning. It is inevitable that Johnson received the blame.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Scheduling Management in Tunnel Construction Projects Literature review

Scheduling Management in Tunnel Construction Projects - Literature review Example 45). Scheduling management Scheduling management is very important to any project because it entails helpful techniques applicable while managing activities involved in projects. Managers practice scheduling management before starting up a project, which involves. Pointing out the task that interests an individual, estimating the total period that the task will take, and distributing resources needed to perform that task, finally deciding on when the task will commence. In the procession of a project, monitoring is important as it ensures that scheduling management predicts the future of a project. An effective scheduling management helps the project administrator to ascertain that a project is within the expected cost, time and certain standards of quality (Kerzner, 2009, p. 47). Scheduling management techniques There are two types of scheduling management techniques applied in projects in order to enhance efficiency. These techniques include the Milestone chart and the Gantt chart. In projects, Milestone chart is very imperative as it identifies vital events that occur during the implementation of a project, it usually reflects critical issues in a project, which without controlling on time will lead to delays in a project. Milestone chart is very reasonable about deadlines as it entails installation of equipment, changes in a new system, completion of systems and file conversations. However, Gantt charts occur either in a horizontal bar shape or as a line chart and it indicates the activities that the project entails written in the left hand side of the chart. In addition, it contains the time scale of a project indicated at either the top or bottom of the chart, a line drawn showing the project’s estimated period and another line showing the dependencies among the project activities and the time used (Kerzner 2009). According to the construction industry, Gantt chart represents a scientific method of management that helps individuals to break down th e processes involved in projects. This chart divides a whole project into distinct task, methods of performing the tasks, cost and time spend on the task, and finally it monitors the entire project (Kerzner 2009). Steps for better scheduling management In order to come up with a successful project, it is important for project managers to observe the following scheduling management steps. Firstly, managers should implement a scope letter entailing the price of a project, which will be of benefit while negotiating for project schedule. Secondly, they should make a worksheet and compare it with the one provided by the contractor of the project; managers should also make notes indicating the commencement date of a project and when it will end. Managers should ensure that they recheck for logic problems in their work before they proceed because errors resulting from logic leads to poor projects. The project schedule should include separate person-hours allocated for each task in order to make it detailed and organized. The manager should carry out resource loading to ensure equal allocation of resources and tasks within a given time. Later, he/she should determine the total resources desirable in performing the project

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Make a tipic for me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Make a tipic for me - Essay Example This term post colonial is a loose definition. For example: the United States might also be described as a postcolonial country, but it is not perceived as such because of its position of power in world politics in the present, its displacement of native American populations, and its annexation of other parts of the world in what may be seen as a form of colonization. The term post colonial means a native people breaking free from an oppressor. America is not post colonial, because the Native Americans never conquered the settlers from Europe. However, in America’s defense, an attempt to create a melting pot has been attempted, although this has not been completely successful. The European empire is said to have held sway over more than 85% of the rest of the globe by the time of the First World War, having consolidated its control over several centuries. The sheer extent and duration of the European empire and its disintegration after the Second World War have led to widespread interest in postcolonial literature and criticism in our own times. (Deepika). When a country is liberated, either by force or peacefully, from colonists, some colonists remain. Not only do some colonists remain, but the traditions the native country endured remain. The European colonization of many nations transformed the native culture, and the colonizers actually living in these countries irrevocably. In a post colonial community a division exists between the natives and former colonists. Colonists want to control natives, to civilize them. The text book states Westerners see, â€Å"former colonial subjects as Others; as people different from â€Å"us†; as those in need of Western guidance, expertise, and guidance† (George and Trimbur, 522). An example of trying to civilize natives in a post colonial community is India. Robert Young writes: In

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Designing and developing a disaster management plan Essay

Designing and developing a disaster management plan - Essay Example The focus in the recent years has been shifted from the restoration of services at the earliest possible time to continuity of the business operations without loss of time. The utility industries are in a very piquant situation in view of various statutory compliances involved in the business operations apart from protection of employees, losses on account of disruption of the services, damages to the properties and machineries and civil and criminal liabilities arising out of such situations. It is pertinent to note that ‘accidents in the transportation field have had significant impacts on expenditure to reduce risks and increase safety, in some cases quite independently of the technical and economic arguments for investment but merely because public perception demands that particular ghosts be laid.’ (Perrow, 1984). A good disaster management plan envisages establishment of security policies and implementation of procedures in practice. Physical Security of the executives is of paramount importance, because avoiding breakdown in the decision making machinery is very crucial. Identification, analysis and evaluation of the facilities which are prone to disasters based on the available data may be the starting point. Understanding of peoples perception of and relationships with disaster should reflect in the personnel policy. No orders can be issued and effectively acted upon if there is inadequacy in this respect, because, these are the factors which govern their choices and actions. Honesty and integrity of an employee is very important in dealing with emergencies. Success of all management plans hinges on the company’s policy with regard to recruitment, background investigation, orientation provided and the continuous performance appraisal in relation to the employees. Security of data especially for a company in insurance sector is very important. Secret and confidential data should have very

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) - Assignment Example The number of people suffering from CFS has been increasing overtime. Research shows that by 2011, approximately 270,000 people in the UK suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. More than 1 million of America’s total population has CFS, with about 75 % of these being undiagnosed (CDC). For CFS patients, severe fatigue is the major complaint that is recorded. Records show that the number of women who suffer from this condition is three times higher that of men, a ratio of 3:1. In the diagnosed cases, women comprise 60-80 % of the total (CDC). Also among adults, the highest level of occurrence of the disease happens between 40-49 years. In addition, children are more disposed to the condition as compared to adults, with the highest frequency of occurrence happening in adolescents between 10-17 years. Research further shows that African Americans are more susceptible to the condition (CDC). Though the medical field has not identified and proved the main causes of the condition, there are several suggestions on the same. Some of the common social determinants suggested include gender, race, age, cultural differences, socio-economic status, psychological distress, domestic workload, employment dissatisfaction, physical diseases and presence of

American Revolution and Early British Colonies Essay

American Revolution and Early British Colonies - Essay Example Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson as well as Alex Hamilton who were great advocates of the republicanism and advocated the formation of a united country based on different British Colonies. Patriots were the people who actually declared independence of thirteen British Colonies to form what is now called United States of America.The writings of Samuel Adams specially his circular letter resulted into the famous Boston Massacre. His writings are considered as one of the key efforts towards the development of an environment which led to the revolution.Thomas Paine’s Common Sense is also considered as one of the most important contribution towards the events leading to the revolution. In this book, Paine extensively advocated the separation of America from United Kingdom. His series of writings with the name of The American Crisis is also considered as important contribution towards the actual revolution which however, materialized after some period of time.The Massachusetts Bay Col ony was owned by the Massachusetts Bay Company and covered most of the areas which are now part of the New England. In Virginia, the first colony established was the Jamestown near Chesapeake Bay and it was financed by the London Virginia Company. Plymouth Colony was established by the people who escaped the religious wrath of the English Authorities whereas Cape Ann was also established as a fishing village in the region. (Taylor) The similarities between these colonies suggest that they were established for the purpose of achieving economic good.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Unfair Competition from Countries without International Labour Laws Term Paper

Unfair Competition from Countries without International Labour Laws - Term Paper Example This research paper examines that there have been arguments for the imposition of free trade among all member countries taking part in international trade.   These have been increasingly believed to be of benefit, especially to the developing countries. To begin with, markets get liberalized from the interference of government. This is important because the government does not have a direct contribution to the prevailing prices in the economy due to actions such as subsidies or even tariffs. The involvement of government in the setting of prices may lead to market failure arising from forced priced that have been set without due regard to the natural forces of demand and supply, which work together to determine the prices of goods and services.  This research paper examines that there have been arguments for the imposition of free trade among all member countries taking part in international trade.   These have been increasingly believed to be of benefit, especially to the deve loping countries. To begin with, markets get liberalized from the interference of government. This is important because the government does not have a direct contribution to the prevailing prices in the economy due to actions such as subsidies or even tariffs. The involvement of government in the setting of prices may lead to market failure arising from forced priced that have been set without due regard to the natural forces of demand and supply, which work together to determine the prices of goods and services.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Quality Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quality Model - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that for a business to succeed, it is necessary to have strategies to ensure optimal productivity to meet customers’ needs and attain company objectives. Quality management entails customer satisfaction, improving management, involvement of employees and reaching company goals. Total quality management involves every facet of a business together with sections like research marketing, and development, sales and human resources. The basic tenets of total quality management range from satisfying the customer, satisfying the supplier, and consistent improvement of the business. This essay explains the primary elements of the three spheres of quality model. It further describes the organizational activities that fall within each of these spheres. The first element of the three spheres of quality model is total quality management. According to Nguyen and Derstine, this is a crucial factor for businesses to prosper both internally and exter nally. Internal success in the company takes into account state of products and services to meet customer expectations. The organization also needs employees to be fully productive through keeping workers content. In terms of external success, company profitability can lead to market success. Companies that trade publicly and have higher standard of total quality management are more likely to succeed and end up having more profitable market shares. Traditional accounting systems have for a long time failed to consider measures.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Operations Manager of a Manufacturing Plant Essay

Operations Manager of a Manufacturing Plant - Essay Example Finally, operations officers raise concerns about the inefficiency of production schedules. An in-depth look into all levels of operations isolates a possible core reason: there seem to be too many suppliers. Arrow Ahead needs to understand that the number of suppliers does not necessarily equal excellence in process management. Remembering that operations management requires the cautious supervision of processes in producing and distributing products and services, Arrow Ahead must review where else it may have failed to carefully manage their practices. A good hard look at the flow of the organization and how each stage of the process come into play will benefit and ultimately restore the health of Arrow Ahead. This in turn will ensure that the company will stay efficiently afloat in the industry for a long period of time. Having established that Arrow Ahead has overbooked suppliers, the first step is to analyze how supply is being managed. As it is possible that the company has booked different suppliers for a singular purpose but for various reasons, there is a need to review all the suppliers they work with and create a shortlist based on Arrow Ahead’s experience with each one. Has this supplier always delivered on time? Is the quality of goods, materials, or services consistently excellent? Do they operate on sound commercial principles? Does working with this specific supplier minimize purchasing risks? If there has been any chance that the supplier was issued corrective action by the company, did they work on it? Would the company rate the relationship with the supplier highly? The responses to these questions will help Arrow Ahead develop a preliminary strategy that is proportionate to the impact they would like on operations. However, this is only an initial step towards solid supply management. The next phase would be to continuously monitor the performance of each supplier, in order to predict when something may threaten the

Friday, September 6, 2019

A Historical Recording of a Fictitious Story Essay Example for Free

A Historical Recording of a Fictitious Story Essay One powerful factor in effective storytelling lies in the strong characterization of the figures in the story, and the novel, â€Å"Don Quixote† sustains this factor. In the beginning of the novel, Miguel de Cervantes warns his â€Å"idle readers† (Cervantes, page __) that he simply wants to relate the story of a stepson who lived a ridiculous but great life, saying thus: â€Å"My wish would be simply to present it to thee plain and unadorned, without any embellishment of preface or uncountable muster of customary sonnets, epigrams, and eulogies, such as are commonly put at the beginning of books. † (Cervantes, page__). The second part of the novel reveals a similar contention, this time uttered by Cide Hamete Benengeli in Chapter LXXIV. The reputed father of Don Quixote de La Mancha, Benengeli says, â€Å"For me alone Don Quixote was born and I for him. His was the power of action, mine of writing. † (Cervantes, page ___). By repeating these contentions, Miguel de Cervantes emphasizes and reiterates the idea that Don Quixote is a real character, a man who is not merely a product of a novelist’s imagination, but a tangible entity. Cervantes and his phantom figure, Benengeli, claim that they are merely recorders of Don Quixote’s deeds and misdeeds. Cervantes declares thus in his preface: â€Å"In belief of the good reception and honours that Your Excellency bestows on all sort of books, as prince so inclined to favor good arts, chiefly those who by their nobleness do not Customer’s last name 2 submit to the service and bribery of the vulgar, I have determined bringing to light The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of la Mancha. † (Cervantes, page__). Cervantes distances himself from the character by saying that he is merely a recorder of a person’s history, not a creator of a person so intriguingly chivalrous and comical at the same time. In doing so, Cervantes strengthens the character of Don Quixote, making him a mystery, and an enigma. Was he real, or was he imaginary? This intriguing question has kept readers all over the world and across generations to keep turning the pages of this humorous novel, and in this respect, Cervantes achieves his triumph in making the adventures of a tragic and comic knight-errant, a very engaging read. The two mentioned passages delineating one contention are significant in the reading of the novel as a whole. Promoting Don Quixote as a tangible entity, a real character, makes the novel more humorous, more effective, and more influential; the themes and sentiments imbibed in the story are therefore communicated more strongly. Cervantes provides a critical commentary on the Spanish lifestyle and morals at the time the novel was written, and one way to take a humorous novel seriously, is to project it as a palpable, realistic account of one person’s adventures and misadventures. This in itself is an ingenious literary style. Making Don Quixote an enigma and claiming that he is real, reflects the ridiculous and preposterous nature of the novel. Cervantes is ultimately making a literary statement: that in a world and in a time when chivalric ideals are appropriate, yet overrated, a society that is suspended between the grandiose aspects of chivalry and the humility of noble chivalric ideals must examine its principles very closely. If it fails to do, it may likewise fight windmills instead of giants, and therein lays a societal problem too unbelievably difficult to overcome. Works Cited Cervantes, M. Don Quixote. (Publication Information).